About me
My name is Martha and I am originally from Hjørring in small North Jutland but now live in Zealand for the third year with my boyfriend. I was born in Denmark and my parents are from Cambodia and Vietnam.
I define myself as a crossroads - a kind of candy mixture ranging from Eastern to Western tastes, both good and bad.
I am a trained social pedagogue and Cand. in IT.
For me it is important to explore the facets of life and I have always done so. My curiosity in life has led me to work with a wide range of target groups - from newborns to the elderly - and in that - the question of life, death and spirituality.
I have chosen to call my practice I Nære Hénthere.
In working with the deaf-blind and partially sighted, trust is crucial for a person to dare to open up and to develop. My work as a therapist is to create a space where you can safely put your trust in my hands, therefore the chemistry and the relationship are important for a greater development potential.
I am a 3rd year psychotherapist student at ID Academy
The education is approved by the Ministry of Education and Health.
Before training clients, I have completed a minimum of 250 teaching hours, 150 practice hours and 30 hours of personal therapy.
I am subject to confidentiality, undergo supervision and self-therapy.

Self-Discovery & Life leadership program 21 dage
Undervisning i terapeutisk yoga, breathworkøvelser, og meditation.
Undervisning om kroppen, emotioner og følelser, kombineret med sindet fra buddistisk visdom. At genfinde sig selv i selvkærlighed, selvværd, selvtillid og at tage lederskab over eget liv.
ID Psykoterapeut 4 års uddannelse i integral psykoterapi
Holistisk samtaleterapi, kropslæsning, drømmetydning, tegneterapi, psykodrama, chok og traumeterapi baseret på 7 psykologiske grundprincipper: adfærd, kognitiv, interpersonel, psykodynamisk, eksistentiel, humanistisk og transpersonlig psykologi.
Cand. IT i læring og organisatorisk omstilling
Udvikling af et IKT-baseret tværfagligt læringsforløb for udskolingen om kritisk behandling af information på sociale medier til styrkelse af demokratisk dannelse
Social og specialpædagog med speciale i kultur og interkulturalitet
Arbejdet indenfor samtlige målgrupper, men primært i specialiseringsområdet med børn, unge, voksne og ældre med udviklingshæmning og almen botilbud. En haj til tryg relationsdannelse.
Why in Close Hands?
Do you know the expression:
that "put something in someone's handsr"
– to give up – to hand over?
It is sometimes hard to have trust and to give yourself vulnerable to another personno. My practice invites you to share the most taboo topics or feelings without me judging you. The only requirement I have is that you are willing to work therapeutically and curiously with yourselfso you can see yourself with acceptance andloving eyes.
At the same time, my approach in relation to ID psychotherapy is to involve the body as one vote.
You can therefore count onmy focus is not solely based on active conversation therapy but in a holistic form of therapy that connects and balances the whole you - your mind, body and soul.

Why am I so body focused?
The body contains a multitude of emotional signals and is a kind of map of your life. When we overhear our emotions and the subtle body signals over a long period of time, it can set in as energetic or physical blockages in the body.
As a mature multicultural adult, I have followed the path that most young people have taken and unconsciously consciously done so out of external expectations. When I decided to take the psychotherapist course, it was based on a rational choice. I just had to get the diploma. The requirement for self-therapy on the course made me aware for the first time that my head was psychologically cut off from my body.
I passed through life blindly. My inner life was not in harmony with the outer.
I wish for everyone that they learn to listen to their own subtle body signals. To become whole people, to become self-aware, and most importantly - to find peace both physically and mentally in oneself and in the presence of others.
The difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist
Many ask what the difference is, and it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish - the aim of both professional groups is to help people in difficult life situations. The important thing is that you feel whether the chemistry is intact and that you feelfeel safe and trust the person you are sitting across from.
What is a psychologist?
Psychologist is a protected title. Psychologists take a 5-year course at university without the requirement of self-therapy or personal self-development. Psychologists are theoretically and academically sound.
What is a psychotherapist?
A psychotherapist is not a protégéa title. Psychotherapists take a 4-year course where they are admitted on the basis of maturity and life experience. There are requirements for self-therapy and self-reflection during the training.

Om de 7 psykologiske grundprincipper i et integralt perspektiv
Jeg anvender psykoterapeutiske metoder som stammer fra 7 psykologiskegrundprincipper:
Kognitiv psykologi
Systemisk psykologi
Eksistentielt psykologi
Humanistisk psykologi
Transpersonlig psykologi
For at hjælpe og støtte dig optimalt er min tilgang helhedsorienteret - derfor står integral terapi mit hjerte nær. Jeg tror ikke på at der er én metode som healer dig. Jeg finder tværtimod begrænsning i at anvende en metode - og min tilgang er at mennesket er mere komplekst end som så, men jeg opdager og praktiserer simplicitet i min praksis.
Det er min erfaring.