Welcome in my hands
Psychotherapist Martha Chea Cao supports you to find a home for the authentic part of you, so that you get more presence and peace in yourself and in your relationships.
In order to create a trusting space, it is crucial that the chemistry between us is intact.
That's why I offer 15 min free no-obligation conversation online or by telephone.

Let me help you with…

Invest in your mental health!
What is ID psychotherapy?
ID is defined by integral therapy.
Integral psychotherapy does not have one specific method but connects the fundamental psychological directions with many psychotherapeutic methods.
This means that we work with the whole of you, which includes body, mind and soul.
You can read more about ID Psychotherapyhere
My approach - the body as a guide
Our experiences throughout life are remembered by the body and reflect how you have lived your life.
In therapy, I work to get you to notice.
It can be a bit strange the first time if you are not used to talking about feelings or feeling your body sincerely.
If it becomes vulnerable, you can count on me to meet you right where you are, with a present, loving, respectful and curious approach.
My foundation for supporting you as best as possible in your development is based on my life experience - an experience based on internal and external change processes.
How does it take place?
The first session is an intro session, where we subsequently work with a further course of several sessions.
You decide which things in your life are important to you and your well-being right now. No matter what situation you share with me, I will meet you as an equal.
Everything is welcome.
With me, you are in close hands
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Her deler jeg min viden
Vil du have forsmag på selvbevidsthed?
Min Master i Indien lavede OSHO Kundalini-meditation HVER dag i et år, da han trænede i bjergerne.
Jeg lavede den i 21 dage, 2x om dagen.
Øvelsen træner din selvbevidsthed, gennem dine 5 bevidsthedslag. Den skaber en form for tilstedeværelse i kroppen, og selvbevidsthed i forhold til tanker, sansninger, og energisystem. For mig var det givende, og jeg har derfor lavet en miniguide på den, som du kan lave hjemme i stuen, eller hvornår du har lyst.
Øvelsen giver dig mulighed for:
at træne din bevidsthed, fysisk, sind, sansninger, vidnet og energikroppen.
en bevægende meditation frem for stillesiddende, hvis du er en krudtugle
en anderledes måde at genopdage din indre verden på
at lave den lige hvornår du lyster
At opnå indre ro og mindre tankemylder.

OSHO Kundalini- meditationsguide.